The Inner Healing and Spiritual Awakening Podcast with Nani Solares
In this enlightened podcast, psychotherapist Nani Solares shares life wisdom on healing, spiritual evolution, relationships, and coping with life. Nani has been practicing as a licensed Psychotherapist for close to 2 decades. Having struggled herself with addictions, codependency, worthlessness, and other emotional issues, she was led to the journey that radically changed her life from the inside-out -- her own journey of inner healing and spiritual awakening. We are all here to heal, evolve, and ultimately reach enlightenment. Thus, we will never be truly happy or fulfilled until we awaken our soul and begin our inner journey. This podcast will cover an array of topics meant to guide the seeker to their soul's true path, heal from emotional wounding, and become radically free. From the spiritual, to the neurological, to the physiological, to the mental -- all bases will be covered in this podcast to bring holistic truth to set any captive free.
The Inner Healing and Spiritual Awakening Podcast with Nani Solares
The Hero's Journey: Gaining Insight and Power Through the Wisdom of the Tarot
The archetypes of the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck tell the story of the human experience through the earth school. The soul is here to learn lessons, to pay and cleanse karmic debts, to evolve, and to learn to love. The cards of the Major Arcana reveal much wisdom as to why we are here and how we can use the tools and assistance provided for us along the way to make this experience through the earth school purposeful. Learn what each card represents and how to use their energetic power and wisdom to break free from emotional, mental, or addictive bonds; to release baggage; and to break through our challenges into unprecedented victory and success in life. #nanisolares #innerhealing #emotionalintelligence #spiritualawakening #tarot #emotionalhealing #majorarcana #spiritualjourney