The Inner Healing and Spiritual Awakening Podcast with Nani Solares

The Journey of Self Mastery and The Evolution of the Soul

Nani Solares

As part of our soul's journey, we are here to self-actualize, which, in short, is to become everything we can possibly be in this life. It is also one of the journeys involved in the healing of our codependency patterns and all the attachments we have to the things outside ourselves for identity, worth, happiness, and security. The self-actualization journey is about learning to master ourselves through discipline, self-control, and balance. These are things that have proven very difficult for humans. In this video I discuss:
• the multiple aspects of life to balance
• how to achieve balance
• how to become more disciplined 
• how to master everything in our lives and yet live greatly fulfilling, satisfying, and pleasurable lives
#nanisolares #emotionalintelligence #spiritualandemotionalhealing #emotionalhealing #spiritualawakening #innergrowthandhealing #innerhealing #disciplineyourself #disciplineequalsfreedom